In almost every interview she gives, Kate Hudson is asked the same questions: What do you eat? How do you stay so fit? What workout do you do? What’s your secret? Well, the secret is that the sound bites the media loves so much don’t tell the story, and the steps you need to take to have a healthy, vibrant and happy life can’t be captured in a short interview. The key to living well, and healthy, is to plug into what your body needs, understanding that one size does not fit all, all the time, and being truly honest with yourself about your goals and desires.Like everyone else, Kate is constantly on the move, with a life full of work, family, responsibilities and relationships. In
Pretty Happy, Kate shows how she honors her relationship with herself through exercise, making the right choices about what she eats, and constantly going back to the drawing board and starting fresh, instead of holding herself to unrealistic standards of perfection and giving up when she falls short. Focusing on the Four Pillars of Health to enhance her well-being,
Pretty Happy shows the benefits of:
- Cultivating an Intuitive Relationship With Your Body
- Eating Well
- Awakening Your Body through movement
- The Miracle of Mindfullness
Full of questionnaires to help you assess your Body Type and your stress levels, advice about cleanses and keeping your diet and body balanced, and plenty of interactive Drawing Board exercises,
Pretty Happy is a beautiful, insightful, and personal look at health from the inside out, an authentic plan for an authentic life from a woman who truly lives what she speaks.
This is a book that I think every woman should read, it is a wonderful guide to shape your life. It has a great format and loads of useful tools to help achieve the goals in living a healthy lifestyle. Mind, body and spirit are all covered with lots of exercises that are not very time consuming and gets great results. You will want to do everything she suggests including making your own drawing board to pull from. I think this is a great book to start the new year with and your journey for a richer life in the coming year. It would also, make a great gift for all your girlfriends to enjoy.